Learn how and why Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were crafted during Renaissance.

Author: Anatoly T. Fomenko
"History: Fiction or Science?"
Subtitle: "Chronology 1"
ISBN: 2-913621-01-5

Paperback, 628 pages,
446 illustrations
Genre: Non-Fiction (History)
Distributors: Ingram,
Baker & Taylor, Amazon.com
Size: 7.5" by 9.25"

Delamere Resources Ltd,
19 Peel Rd., Douglas,
Isle of Man, IM1 4LS

Contact, books for review:
Franck Tamdhu,
Phone: 33-687-61-38-76
Email: history@mithec.com


Jesus Christ Was Born In 1053 AD And Crucified In 1086 AD - Scientific Research Points To The Evidence

Unbelievable? Not since the release of the flabbergasting oeuvre entitled "History: Fiction or Science?". This book crowns 30 years of extensive research performed by the eminent mathematician Anatoly Fomenko and his colleagues. It is also the first volume in seven comprising "Chronology", the fundamental tractate that exposes and expounds the numerous inveracities of traditional history.

In Chapter I we are reminded of when the contemporary chronological scale was created and by whom, with the culprits named as the XVI-XVII century clergy. We also learn that the consensual model of history had prominent critics ever since its creation - among those such names as Sir Isaac Newton and Jean Hardouin, the court librarian of Louis XIV, the Sun King of France.

The author dissects every historical age most scrupulously and analyses the data from every source imaginable - Roman and Egyptian chronology take a good beating; Bracciolini and Petrarch take the blame for creating the legend of a mythical Classical age that never was.

The Biblical events are brought a lot closer to us both historically and geographically. The Biblical Jerusalem is identified with the mediaeval Constantinople. The New and the Old Testament swap their positions on the chronological scale, both exposed as referring to mediaeval events. We experience a profound historical paradigm shift even before we're through with Chapter I.

In Chapters II, III and IV the author summons astronomy and statistics to back his theories - apparently, there is abundant astronomical proof for the author's theories in the ancient Egyptian zodiacs, Ptolemy's Almagest, and the Biblical Book of Revelation, demonstrating that all datings of 'ancient' eclipses are blatantly untrue.

Chapters V and VI contain in-depth descriptions of the research methods used as well as the most meticulous rendition of the global chronological map with its numerous errors and glitches explained in a very level-headed manner - one doesn't have to be a mathematician to comprehend.

Finally, in Chapter VII we learn more about confusion of the Antiquity and the Middle Ages, and how the division between the two is merely imaginary. Should this fail to suffice, the appendices contain all sorts of factual information to appease the sceptics as well as provide converts with deadly ammunition for keeping the critics well at bay.

Conclusion: "History: Fiction or Science?" is the first successful attempt to transform history from fiction into a rocket science, therefore a must read for everyone who isn't entirely indifferent to human history - and possibly also for those who are.

Find out more at: http://history.mithec.com